Notes for Posters
Poster sizes: A0 (Portrait)
Since ISBCS is all about building a community, it would be nice if you could add the photos of all authors in the poster heading.
Paper Submission
Submission and reviewing are handled via the
EasyChair system. Submission deadline will be announced
Papers may be up to four pages long, and should be in a two-column
format. The submission language is English. Optionally, authors can
submit papers in Turkish, in which case the title and the abstract
should be both in English and Turkish. All paper submissions are
evaluated by peer reviewers who make recommendations to the Program
Committee. The final decision of acceptance is made by the Program
Co-Chairs. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference as
The papers will not appear in a printed proceedings volume, and no
copyright will be claimed. Therefore, we solicit contributions that
1 - Summaries of already published work related to cognitive sciences.
These will not be peer reviewed, but the abstracts will be used to
determine the program. Please make sure you reference the original
paper the submission is based on. We would like to encourage the
submission of these papers to disseminate them widely in the Turkish
cognitive science community.
2 - Original, unpublished work and work in progress papers. Since we
do not claim copyright, you are free to re-submit it elsewhere after
the symposium.
All submissions must be made electronically as PDF files.
The files are to be uploaded to the conference submission site (click on EasyChair).
All PDF submissions must be A4 sized, with NO headers/footers and NO page numbers. Please name the submission file in this format:
"authorname_submissiondate.pdf" (e.g., smith_1_28.pdf).
If there are any special fonts required (Turkish, etc) these must be included with the submission (i.e., embedded in the PDF file).
For your convenience, there are files below for Microsoft Word and LaTeX that you can use as templates. With a few exceptions (especially length) the formatting details are the same for all types of submissions. Please do not edit the margins or font settings of these files. These files are slightly modified from the Cognitive Science Society conference style files.
Microsoft Word Zip (includes a .doc sample, and a .dot template)
LaTeX Zip (includes sample .bst, .sty, .bib files as well as a sample .tex file and a .PDF of the sample file)